Terms and Agreements

1. Respect all staff, they are the ones that keep this game going, and work hard to make everyone happy, so respect them and listen to them when they give out warnings for people's actions.

You have the right not to be harassed, harrassment can fall under, poaching members from one clan to another, soliciting for sexual acts, bringing in RL fights, causing fights when the second party wants nothing to do with the first party, and any RL comments directed to anyone.

You have the right to roleplay, the villages are for role-playing, the occasional comment of RL is fine but full RL conversations, when people are trying to role play is frowned upon, and should be taken to the designated spots within the site.

You have the right to have PDA, hey we know you're in love and want everyone to know it, but keep it in line, no sexual moves or inappropriate touching in open chat, you wanna fuck go fuck in private. Also, no adult shall have sexual relationships with a minor, if you break this rule, you will be dealt severely, ie we will spread the word to every lotgd out there and warn them about the offender and make your life a living hell and if the case is serious enough local law enforcement will be contacted.

No god modding, everyone hates it and it just shows how you have no skill at rping.

Godmodding is the result of a player bunnying, power gaming, or being omniscient.

Those may be terms you’re more familiar with if you’re from another RP Forum. But just in case you aren’t, here’s a basic idea of what each of those terms refers to:

Bunnying - The act of undermining your opponent’s ability to properly handle the situation. Bunnying basically includes: Role Playing your opponent's actions/reactions without their consent.

Forming closed attacks, i.e. explicitly stating that your opponent was hit.

Performing an attack that, under normal conditions, cannot be blocked, dodged, or countered (exception, a character is weakened, in a bad position, or chooses to be hit).

Power Gaming - The act of doing something impossible (i.e. godly) to gain an advantage.

Power Gaming basically includes: Role Playing an action or ability without explaining its origin and/or nature in ambiguous cases.

Role Playing actions or abilities that, under the circumstances would be impossible (e.g. blocking a powerful attack when severely injured, blowing up the planet, or taking down an entire armed army bare-handed).

Performing actions outside of a preset range with no apparent or explained connections (e.g. a fire elemental causing water to lash at an opponent).

Omniscience - The act of knowing all, or at least more than you should rightly be capable of knowing.

Omniscience basically includes:

Knowing your opponent’s thoughts. Knowing your opponent’s plans due to them being explained OOCly(Out of Character) or through narrative (i.e. characters knowing what you know).

Knowing information about a character before it’s been revealed (exception, past experience that can be referenced or unless otherwise explained).

Describing characteristics of your opponent without their consent or before they’ve been revealed.

Avatars must be fictional pictures. To protect you from online predators, and to protect people from having their photos stolen, it is against the rules to use your RL picture, or anyone else's as an avatar. Photographs are allowed, but they must exhibit fictional qualities. Also, naughty bits should be covered and not overly sexual in nature.

You have the right to say fuck! Words are just words. Pretty much anything is allowed that doesn't directly hurt people, or cause unwanted grief in a game environment. Have fun, play fair, and happy fucking hunting!

You may only have five characters, any more and the staff will delete one, it might be your "main" character it might be your alt, and we will decide the fate. Also for those who play on the same network please petition the group of people who play on the same network. If you are caught breaking this rule more than once you will be disciplined.

You shall not go around bans, you were banned once, and you will be caught and banned again and again and again, we aren't stupid we will find you and hunt you down, so might as well give up and don't even try to get around your punishment.

Earn your stats, no begging, stealing. you will be dealt with accordingly!

Note 1.
You shall not try to commit suicide in the village or anywhere else on site. This includes the act itself, harming yourself, talking about it, or pushing someone else to do it.